Meiras Bais Yaakov is comprised of a student body that encompasses a broad spectrum of the ultra-orthodox community. A substantial portion of our parents are devoting their careers to Chinuch, learning in Kollel or working in Mosdos Hatorah. There is no way for them to shoulder the tuition and accompanying school fees on their own.
The onus for the shortfall of tuition falls on our devoted Vaad members, who are constantly fundraising, yet never quite filling the gap fully. We look to the community at large to help us educate our students by stepping in and donating to our school.
Partner with us by sponsoring a scholarship for a worthy student from a low income family, by making a dedication in honor of or in memory of a loved one, or by donating through a corporate matching grant program. Your donation will go directly to benefit our students who are the future Imahos of Klal Yisroel.